Terms and Use + Privacy Policy

Terms of Use

Image and text content here at KevinDavisPhoto.com is the property of Kevin Davis. In using/visiting this website, you agree that you will not copy anything for separate use without explicit permission. If you wish to license any content, inquiries are welcome; simply drop us a line.

If you subscribe to receive information from us, you agree to provide your correct information (not falsified and not someone else's information).

This site may contain information and opinions from Kevin Davis, guest authors/creators, and blog comments. If any of this information here contains errors or something causes offense, please kindly let us know.

Information sent by us to subscribers is proprietary content and licensed for subscriber personal use. You can share it with others only with attribution to the original source (KevinDavisPhoto). You agree to never resell the text or images, nor assign credit to anyone other than the original creator/author. 

Privacy Policy

As a visitor to KevinDavisPhot.com, you can voluntarily provide information about yourself and some information is collected automatically.

If you subscribe for our mailing list, you provide your name and contact information.

If you contribute blog comments, that includes your name and IP address.

When you view our website, your browser likely records cookies. This includes technical information such as IP address, date&time, and how you navigate this website (so that we can make improvements).
You can subscribe (opt-in) to receive information from us. We do not wish to send you anything you don't want. Any mail, email, or other message we send to you is limited to information pertaining to KevinDavisPhoto or a sibling brand such as NewEngland.Photo (which is also Kevin, wearing a more specialized hat). Possibly, we may promote our own products but we're not in the business of promoting unrelated stuff. We will not send spam. You can unsubscribe at any time.

We will not sell your information to anyone else. We will not share your information with "partner" companies that we do not own & operate.

If you have contributed anything (e.g. blog comment) but wish to revoke it, please let us know and we will be happy to help you scrub that. 




Kevin Davis

N. Reading MA 01864


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